AGP Episode 12: The M.Night Interlude

This episode we welcome guest host Eric Colon to the show.  We discuss Halo Reach and Halo lore, the exciting plans in store for AGP @ NYCC 2010, Eric's infatuation for the M. Night Shyamalan panel, Sony Move V. Kinect, and more.  Thanks for listening.

AGP Episode 11: We Gotta Go Back

This episode we discuss Dead Rising Case Zero,  the finer points of JRPG's in the classic Wild Arms, going on impulse game buying binges, revisiting Halo with ODST, PlayStation Plus and more.  Thanks for listening.  

Ending Music Credit: Flying Lotus

It's always OK to massacre the Undead

Let me begin by saying I love that XBLA is being used like this. Dead Rising Case Zero is a demo and a prologue all at the same time.  To my knowledge only one game has used the XBLA like this in the past, that game would be Fable 2 and its pub games XBLA game that you got for free for pre-ordering the game; I hope this trend continues in the future.  For me the price at 5 dollars or 400 MS points is perfect, everybody who has even a remote interest in Dead Rising should buy this game.

Thoughts on PlayStation Plus and Hulu+

I don't have cable.  I hate cable companies with a fiery passion.  I have this thought that they are all out to get you, which may not always be the case, but I have had some unfortunate experiences with several large companies.  Thankfully, there are plenty of alternatives to cable.  From Netflix to Apple TV, cutting the cord with cable is easier now than ever.  I save over $100 a month with my use of both Netflix instant watch and Hulu+.  Hulu (plus) was introduced  last month on the PlayStation 3, iPhone, iPad, select TV models, and select blu-ray players.  I just recently decided to try out both PlayStation Plus and Hulu+.  Allow me to give you  the good, the bad, and the hideous.