AGP Episode 16: Pole Position

Danjah ZONE!  This episode is all about high-octane action all up in ya grill.   We cover Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Gran Turismo 5, and the delightfully inexpensive iPhone game RAGE HD.  We also talk holiday game deals with Black Friday Vs. Cyber Monday and answer your Twitter questions.

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Thoughts On Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit really did sneak up on me.  I have so much crap on my plate right now that the last thing on my mind was an arcade racer.  What I forgot was that this just wasn't another Split Second, Blur, or any other generic arcade racer (Split Second and Blur are both good titles, so chill).   This was one of the most beloved franchises from EA that hasn't seen a release since 2002.  This was Hot Pursuit. 

There are 17 titles within the very prolific NFS franchise, but only one has truly stuck with me.  1998's Hot Pursuit holds a special place in my heart.  It was one of the first racing games I ever played and I immediately associate it with my childhood.  I remember going over to a friends house during the holiday and seeing it for the first time.  I was mesmerized.  All of this time I've been playing San Francisco Rush on the N64 and there are games like this?  Fast-forward 13 years.  I pick up on NFS: Hot Pursuit on impulse and here is why I think it is one best games of the year.

AGP Episode 15: The Kotick Manifesto

 Welcome one and all to the greatest show on Earth.  This episode we discuss the pointless used games argument, A2 Games Deadly Premonition, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Kinect, the XBL update, Fallout New Vegas, and the possibility of a pay to play Call of Duty. What if?

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Blast From the Past: Myst (realMyst)

Myst MontageMy next game is different from the other games that I've reviewed. After playing two adrenaline fueled games, it was time for something more low-key and the games on my Android just were not going to cut it. Myst is a game I revisit every few years, and the game itself has evolved since my first steps playing it on my childhood friend Kevin's old Macintosh machine in 1994.

Myst has had two major overhauls, Myst: Masterpiece Edition which was released in May 2000 and realMyst: Interactive 3D Edition which was released later in 2000. The latter is the version I've sat down to play over these past few days. I felt incredibly nostalgic. This game hit the spot.

News: Quake 3 Arena for iPad

As reported on Gizmodo, one can now play Quake III Arena on their iPad. Of course there is a catch as the iPad will have be be Jailbroken first, which is apparently legal now. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to play any game that has "free look" as an integral part without a mouse or some kind of controller.

I'd check it out if I had an iPad, but I absolutely do not. However, in my searching I stumbled across a nice little gem for myself: Quake III can be played on an Android phone. I may just have to investigate further and report on what I find.

Read Chris' Quake III Blast From the Past post.