In this episode we visit an old stomping ground of ours...the arcade. We discuss how it has more or less become a thing of the past and how much we miss how it used to be. Enjoy.
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Buzz Kill #2: The Arcade
You don’t have to cut deals with publishers,” he says. “It’s almost completely egalitarian on there. It’s great to see all the small teams that wind up making these breakout hit games for the Apple devices. The fact is; on this platform, we can go ahead deal with fifteen-a-day feedback on there and directly interact with the consumers, make changes and get things out.” John Carmack interview with TelegraphThe Apple app store is the standard for delivering affordable and digestible gaming experiences to the palms of our hands. As of right now, the app store provides an opportunity for developers to deliver their product with minimal cost and potential for maximizing profits. Over the past year we have seen larger publishers and development studios get involved such as Id Software with Rage HD, and now Epic Games with its action RPG title Infinity Blade. It's a unique and visually impressive title that offers quite a bit for a mere $5.99. Infinity Blade is damn near perfect, however, its repetitive nature hinders it in some ways.
Welcome to a very special spur of the moment project that our good friend Sean inspired us to do. During our off weeks we will be posting a morsel of a podcast to whet your appetite while waiting for the full podcast. The difference here is we record live at some at a bar, or wherever we decide we want to record, for 15 minutes on one to two topics. We keep it short and very sweet. Plus you get the cool ambiance of the pub. Consider this an early holiday gift. Enjoy.
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Music Credits In Order:
1. Air- "Modular Mix"
2. Blackstar- "Definition"
3. Anamanaguchi- "Rainbow In The Dark"
4. James Zabiela- "Phaser"